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Energy Enhancement Fairbanks

Adam and Karuna are excited to offer Energy Enhancement Fairbanks. We are the world’s furthest North System to offer EES, Energy Enhancement System. The EES technology is all about enhancing the energy in our body at a cellular level. It works on multiple levels, utilizing scalar waves, pulsating electromagnetic fields, and creating a "photon fountain" along with polychromatic light to support the body's natural processes of cleansing, strengthening, and healing.

Our EES center in Fairbanks, Alaska currently offers a 12-unit system. Here, you can recharge your body at a cellular level in a harmonious and life-enhancing energy field.

How does the Energy Enhancement System WorK?

The body is an amazing and advanced system that, under the right circumstances, has the ability to heal itself and stay healthy. In today’s society, with the lifestyle many of us have, the body is exposed to external influences, e.g. radiation from electronics, sprayed food, heavy metals and stress. It can burden the body and gradually lead it to lose its ability to self-heal and eventually become ill in the long run.

EES is an advanced technology that works in several ways. It combines scalar waves, PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field), polychrome light and Fibonacci sequences to create a powerful energy field. By staying in the field, the cells get the energy they need to strengthen and return to their original millivolt level. When the cells are healthy and functioning as intended, well, then the whole body is healthy.

This field is created via computers and their screens which are positioned in a way that their waves create a photon fusion and scalar vortex. Sitting in the room is enough for the body’s cells’ to get energy, recover and clear out toxins.